Yes, in a fishbowl. You can actually share it with 4-5 more people because it's really a big order. This iced tea is like red tea with zest of orange not particularly sweet neither bland to the taste. It's really good especially when you were walking under the crazy sunlight like this. You can imagine the breeze of cool wind and the smell of the ocean by the shore. (inhale, exhale)
I got to try this chocolate decadent cake for the first time a few years back when I was out partying with my friends in Libis. We had dinner first and then, when we decided to have a desert, one of them suggested to try this slice of heaven. Oh gosh, I was so thankful she introduced this to me. It's a taste of happiness the moment you take a bite. All your endorphins will blast like pyrotechnics because the dark flavor of chocolates and the hint of sweetness of caramel and the moist cake dough just melts in your mouth, you won't have time to chew it. :)